ECE 4750 Section 2: RTL Design with Verilog

Table of Contents

This discussion section serves as gentle introduction to our Verilog RTL design and testing flow. For an in-depth Verilog guide, we recommend reading our Verilog tutorial or HDLBits.

Let’s start by logging into the ecelinux servers using the remote access option of your choice. Then, source the setup script and download our sample project.

% source
% mkdir -p $HOME/ece4750/sec
% cd $HOME/ece4750/sec
% wget
% tar xvf sec02.tar.gz
% rm sec02.tar.gz
% cd sec02

Verilog RTL for a latency-insensitive adder

We will start by implementing a simple latency-insensitive adder. Whenever implementing hardware, we always like to start with some kind of diagram. It could be a block diagram, datapath diagram, or finite-state-machine diagram. Here is a block diagram for our latency-insensitive adder. Notice how we are using registered inputs. In this course, if we want to include registers in a block we usually prefer registered inputs instead of registered outputs.

Here is the interface for our latency-insensitive adder in Adder.v.

module sec02_Adder
 input  logic        clk,
 input  logic        reset,
 input  logic        istream_val,
 output logic        istream_rdy,
 input  logic [63:0] istream_msg,
 output logic        ostream_val,
 input  logic        ostream_rdy,
 output logic [31:0] ostream_msg

Our adder takes two 32-bit input values concatenated together (istream_msg) and produces a 32-bit output value, the resulting addition of both (ostream_msg). We decide to use a latency-insensitive microprotocol (val/rdy interface) to determine when to send in the inputs and push out the outputs. We can implement this adder flat (i.e., directly use behavioral modeling without instantiating any child modules) or structurally (i.e., instantiate child modules). Here is what a flat implementation might look like:

// Split apart our operands
logic [31:0] a;
logic [31:0] b;
assign a = istream_msg[31: 0];
assign b = istream_msg[63:32];
// Control Logic
logic istream_send;
logic ostream_send;
assign istream_send = ( istream_val & istream_rdy );
assign ostream_send = ( ostream_val & ostream_rdy );
logic val_reg;
always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin
  if     ( reset        ) val_reg <= 0;
  else if( istream_send ) val_reg <= 1; // New transaction
  else if( ostream_send ) val_reg <= 0; // Remove old transaction
assign ostream_val = val_reg;
// Ready whenever we aren't valid, or are passing on the old message
assign istream_rdy = ( ostream_send | !val_reg );
// Datapath Logic
logic [31:0] a_reg;
logic [31:0] b_reg;
always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin
  if( reset ) begin
    a_reg <= 32'b0;
    b_reg <= 32'b0;
  else if( istream_send ) begin
    a_reg <= a;
    b_reg <= b;
// Calculate the sum
assign ostream_msg = a_reg + b_reg;

Note that in this example, we use always_ff to model sequential logic and assign assignments or always_comb for combinational logic. Always be very explicit about what part of your design is sequential and what part is combinational. Always use non-blocking assignments (<=) for sequential logic and always use blocking assignments (=) for cobinational logic. At least when getting started, try to avoid including too much combinational logic in your sequential blocks. It will save you (us!) hours of debugging and headaches.

Verilator Crash Course

In this class we will be using Verilator to simulate and check our designs for correctness. Strictly, Verilator is not a simulator, but a compiler: It generates (“verilates”) C++ and SystemC code from your original Verilog files.

Let’s start politely with a greeting by creating hello.v:

module hello;

initial begin
  $display ("Hello");


We can verilate hello.v as follows:

% verilator --binary -j 0 -Wall hello.v

This can then be compiled as usual (e.g. with GCC) and run as a native binary, which will be stored in the obj_dir directory:

% cd $TOPDIR/obj_dir
% ./Vhello

This (non-synthesizable) snippet will print “Hello” and run ad perpetuam: hardware is forever unless we kill it, which we can easily do with Ctrl+C.

If the verilated code contains a Verilog testbench, we will essentially be simulating said testbench when running the executable. The verilator.cpp file provided in sec02.tar.gz is a wrapper that will configure the simulation, instantiate the top module, etc. The vc folder contains dependencies. As the complexity of a project increases, so do the lengths of the commands, and thus in the labs and this section we have provided Makefiles that will do the heavy lifting so that you can focus on what matters: Computer Architecture.

Let’s test out our latency-insensitive adder with Verilator! The Makefile in the sec folder will set up the directory structure for us:

% cd $TOPDIR
% make setup

Now we can head over to today’s section again:

% cd sec02

Observe that every subproject will have its own symlink to the Makefile and its own configuration file default.config specifying which Verilog files contain the testbenches and designs to be tested. You can run everything with:

% make run-all

Or you can choose designs and testbenches individually, for example:

% make tb_Adder.v DESIGN=Adder

After everything compiles, you should see the output of the testbench in your terminal.

-- RUN ---------------------

Starting tb_Adder...
     [ passed ] expected = 00000002, actual = 00000002
     [ passed ] expected = 00000004, actual = 00000004
     [ passed ] expected = 00000009, actual = 00000009
The testbench has finished
- tb_Adder.v:193: Verilog $finish
Passed 3 of 3 test

-- DONE --------------------

Note that in this case we have three tests, and thus three plus signs (“+++”) indicating that they all passed.

The Perpetual Testing Initiative

The small print in the contract of every RTL designer makes us commit to a lifetime of perpetual testing. Indeed, most of the time, effort, and overall cost of RTL design is spent on different levels of testing. It’s very easy to flip (or forget to drive!) a single wire with no apparent consequence, but the ramifications of this can be catastrophic in the long run. The sooner these bugs are detected, the better. A good rule of thumb is that everything has to be tested exhaustively. Lab 1 goes into more depth regarding the different testing strategies we will be using in this course.

Let’s take a look at the testbenches we have prepared for our simple adder, starting with tb_Adder.v:

// tb_Adder
// A Verilog test bench for our latency-insensitive adder

`default_nettype none
`timescale 1ps/1ps

`ifndef DESIGN
  `define DESIGN Adder

`include `"`DESIGN.v`"
`include "vc/trace.v"
`include "vc/TestRandDelaySource.v"
`include "vc/TestRandDelaySink.v"

// Testbench defines

localparam NUM_TESTS = 3;

localparam  INPUT_TEST_SIZE = 64;
localparam OUTPUT_TEST_SIZE = 32;

// Top-level module

module top(  input logic clk, input logic linetrace );
  // DUT signals
  logic        reset;

  logic        istream_val;
  logic        istream_rdy;
  logic [63:0] istream_msg;

  logic        ostream_rdy;
  logic        ostream_val;
  logic [31:0] ostream_msg;

  // Source and sink messages

  logic [  INPUT_TEST_SIZE-1:0 ] src_msgs [ NUM_TESTS-1:0 ];
  logic [ OUTPUT_TEST_SIZE-1:0 ] snk_msgs [ NUM_TESTS-1:0 ];

  // Signals to indicate completion

  logic src_done;
  logic snk_done;

  // Module instantiations

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // Test source
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    .p_msg_nbits ( INPUT_TEST_SIZE ),
    .p_num_msgs  (       NUM_TESTS )
  ) src (
    .clk         (             clk ),
    .reset       (           reset ),

    .val         (     istream_val ),
    .rdy         (     istream_rdy ),
    .msg         (     istream_msg ),

    .done        (        src_done )

  assign src.m = src_msgs;
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // DUT
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  sec02_`DESIGN dut
    .clk         (       clk   ),
    .reset       (       reset ),

    // Input stream

    .istream_val ( istream_val ),
    .istream_rdy ( istream_rdy ),
    .istream_msg ( istream_msg ),

    // Output stream

    .ostream_val ( ostream_val ),
    .ostream_rdy ( ostream_rdy ),
    .ostream_msg ( ostream_msg )

  initial begin 
    while( 1 ) begin
      @( negedge clk );  
      if( linetrace ) dut.display_trace;

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // Test sink
  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    .p_msg_nbits ( OUTPUT_TEST_SIZE ),
    .p_num_msgs  (        NUM_TESTS ),
    .p_sim_mode  (                1 )
  ) sink (
    .clk         (              clk ),
    .reset       (            reset ),

    .val         (      ostream_val ),
    .rdy         (      ostream_rdy ),
    .msg         (      ostream_msg ),

    .done        (         snk_done )

  assign sink.m = snk_msgs;

  // Task for adding test cases

  task test_case(
    input logic [  INPUT_TEST_SIZE-1:0 ] src_msg,
    input logic [ OUTPUT_TEST_SIZE-1:0 ] snk_msg
    integer idx = 0;

    // Add messages to test arrays
    src_msgs[ idx ] = src_msg;
    snk_msgs[ idx ] = snk_msg;

    idx = idx + 1;

  // Test cases
  // Don't forget to change NUM_TESTS above when adding new tests!

  logic [31:0] rand_msg1;
  logic [31:0] rand_msg2;

  initial begin

    // Test cases

    test_case( { 32'd1, 32'd1 },  32'd2 );
    test_case( { 32'd2, 32'd2 },  32'd4 );
    test_case( { 32'd4, 32'd5 },  32'd9 );


  // Run the Test Bench

  initial begin

    $display( "Starting tb_Adder..." );
    reset = 1;
    // Wait a bit, then de-assert reset on negedge
    @( negedge clk );
    reset = 0;

    // Wait for the test to finish
    while( !snk_done ) @( negedge clk );

    // Check that the source is also done
    if( !src_done )
      $error( "[ FAILED ] Our sink received more messages than our source has!" );
      $display( "The testbench has finished" );

    // Delay for a bit for a better waveform

  // Timeout
  // This is to ensure that our test eventually finishes, even if the sink
  // isn't receiving messages

  initial begin
    for( integer i = 0; i < 1000000; i = i + 1 ) begin
      @( negedge clk );

    $error( "TIMEOUT: Testbench didn't finish in time" );


This structure of this testbench is standard: We first instantiate the DUT (Device Under Test), in this case it is Adder. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the DUT operates as per the specifications. To verify this, we instantiate and attach the DUT to Source and Sink modules (vc_TestSource and vc_TestSink) that store, and send/receive the inputs and outputs we want to test, respectively. We then define a task that we can use below to create 3 example test cases for 1+1, 2+2, and 4+5.

We have also included two other testbenches with fixed and random delays in the communication between source, DUT, and sink: tb_Adder_FixedDelay.v and tb_Adder_RandDelay.v. To do this, the only change in the code is that the source and sink modules we are instantiating have been modified to include additional logic that creates this artificial delay.

Making sense of traces

We can easily generate traces for our simulations with the Makefile:

% make tb_Adder.v DESIGN=Adder RUN_ARG=--trace

The output should now look similar to this:

Starting tb_Adder...
   0:                  (                                ) .       
   0:                  (                                ) .       
   0:                  (                                ) .       
   0:                  (                                ) .       
   1: 0000000100000001 (                                )         
   2: 0000000200000002 ( 00000001 + 00000001 = 00000002 ) 00000002
     [ passed ] expected = 00000002, actual = 00000002
   3: 0000000400000005 ( 00000002 + 00000002 = 00000004 ) 00000004
     [ passed ] expected = 00000004, actual = 00000004
   4:                  ( 00000005 + 00000004 = 00000009 ) 00000009
     [ passed ] expected = 00000009, actual = 00000009
   5:                  (                                ) .       
The testbench has finished
   6:                  (                                ) .       
   7:                  (                                ) .       
   8:                  (                                ) .       
   9:                  (                                ) . 

In this example, the first column displays the input of our DUT, the last the output, while the middle one represents the internal state. The line numbers at the left indicate which cycle each line corresponds to. Interleaved with the line trace we can also see the outcomes of the tests as they get triggered.

Making sense of waveforms

Our testbenches and linetraces are often enough to debug smaller issues. However, having additional information can be invaluable in some cases. Waveforms are plots of how signals change over time, and are useful for understanding exactly how values propagate through your design. When you run the testbenches for ECE 4750, waveforms are automatically generated for you in a waves subdirectory.

We will use gtkwave, an open-source waveform viewer, to analyze these waves. Note that to do this you should be using X2Go, MobaXTerm, or have X11 forwarding set up. For our Adder design, we can view the waveform from our testbench with the following command:

% cd $TOPDIR/sec02/waves
% gtkwave Adder.tb_Adder.waves.fst

This should open up GTKWave. The top-left shows the module hierarchy within your design; by clicking on the “+” signs, you can find top (the top-level testbench module), src and sink (our testbench source and sink), and dut (the design-under-test, which is our adder in this case).

Clicking on a module will display all of the signals for that module in the bottom-left. You can select them and use the buttons at the bottom to add them to the plot, displayed on the right. It is common to add clk and reset signals first for reference.

Between waveforms and your RTL, you should be able to debug most issues you encounter. Having the waveforms lets you know the specific values of the signals at any point in time, and the RTL describes how they are being set. If you end up with a signal that isn’t what you expected it to be, tracing back the values in the waveform (and what assigns those values in the RTL) is a great way to debug your Verilog.

Keep testing!

Adding a test case is as easy as including an additional line where the other test cases are located and modifying the NUM_TESTS variable at the top, for example:


// Testbench defines

localparam NUM_TESTS = 5;


 // Test cases
 // Don't forget to change NUM_TESTS above when adding new tests!

  logic [31:0] rand_msg1;
  logic [31:0] rand_msg2;

  initial begin

    // Test cases

    test_case( { 32'd1, 32'd1 },  32'd2 );
    test_case( { 32'd2, 32'd2 },  32'd4 );
    test_case( { 32'd4, 32'd5 },  32'd9 );
    test_case( { 32'd0, 32'd0 },  32'd0 );
    test_case( { 32'd4, 32'd5 },  32'd9 );


To do on your own

Now that you know how our basic RTL design and verification flow is set up, go back to Lab 1. How would you modify the test cases of our adder for perfect coverage? Bring your results next week. This will be a good practice exercise before you dive into designing the test cases for the multiplier.

Remember: Keep testing!